address1: 1 Skyview Drive city: Fort Worth state: TX zip: 76155 country: United States phone: 682 278 9000 website: industry: Airlines industryKey: airlines industryDisp: Airlines sector: Industrials sectorKey: industrials sectorDisp: Industrials longBusinessSummary: American Airlines Group Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as a network air carrier. The company provides scheduled air transportation services for passengers and cargo through its hubs in Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C., as well as through partner gateways in London, Doha, Madrid, Seattle/Tacoma, Sydney, and Tokyo. It operates a mainline fleet of 965 aircraft. The company was formerly known as AMR Corporation and changed its name to American Airlines Group Inc. in December 2013. American Airlines Group Inc. was founded in 1926 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. fullTimeEmployees: 137400 companyOfficers: [{'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Robert D. Isom Jr.', 'age': 59, 'title': 'CEO, President & Director', 'yearBorn': 1964, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 11938162, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Devon E. May', 'age': 48, 'title': 'Executive VP & CFO', 'yearBorn': 1975, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 5578302, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Priya R. Aiyar', 'age': 48, 'title': 'Executive VP, Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary', 'yearBorn': 1975, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4656065, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Stephen L. Johnson', 'age': 67, 'title': 'Chief Strategy Officer & Vice Chair', 'yearBorn': 1956, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4161084, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. David G. Seymour', 'age': 58, 'title': 'Executive VP & COO', 'yearBorn': 1965, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 786838, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Ganesh Jayaram', 'title': 'Executive VP and Chief Digital & Information Officer', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Scott Long', 'title': 'Managing Director of Investor Relations', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Ronald J. Defeo', 'title': 'Senior VP and Chief Communications & Marketing Officer', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Mecole Brown', 'title': 'Senior VP & Chief People Officer', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Kevin Brickner', 'age': 53, 'title': 'Senior Vice President of Technical Operations', 'yearBorn': 1970, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}] auditRisk: 7 boardRisk: 3 compensationRisk: 10 shareHolderRightsRisk: 9 overallRisk: 10 governanceEpochDate: 1722470400 compensationAsOfEpochDate: 1703980800 maxAge: 86400 priceHint: 2 previousClose: 10.09 open: 10.03 dayLow: 9.97 dayHigh: 10.14 regularMarketPreviousClose: 10.09 regularMarketOpen: 10.03 regularMarketDayLow: 9.97 regularMarketDayHigh: 10.14 exDividendDate: 1580774400 fiveYearAvgDividendYield: 1.27 beta: 1.45 forwardPE: 5.521978 volume: 35237184 regularMarketVolume: 35237184 averageVolume: 37034887 averageVolume10days: 31676720 averageDailyVolume10Day: 31676720 bid: 10.04 ask: 10.07 bidSize: 4300 askSize: 4300 marketCap: 6599875072 fiftyTwoWeekLow: 9.07 fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 16.15 priceToSalesTrailing12Months: 0.123482175 fiftyDayAverage: 10.6982 twoHundredDayAverage: 13.0448 currency: USD enterpriseValue: 37059874816 profitMargins: -0.00226 floatShares: 647910648 sharesOutstanding: 656704000 sharesShort: 83171696 sharesShortPriorMonth: 87237350 sharesShortPreviousMonthDate: 1719532800 dateShortInterest: 1722384000 sharesPercentSharesOut: 0.1267 heldPercentInsiders: 0.01274 heldPercentInstitutions: 0.62377 shortRatio: 2.14 shortPercentOfFloat: 0.1438 impliedSharesOutstanding: 656704000 bookValue: -7.228 lastFiscalYearEnd: 1703980800 nextFiscalYearEnd: 1735603200 mostRecentQuarter: 1719705600 earningsQuarterlyGrowth: -0.464 netIncomeToCommon: -121000000 trailingEps: -0.18 forwardEps: 1.82 pegRatio: 0.23 enterpriseToRevenue: 0.693 enterpriseToEbitda: 7.196 52WeekChange: -0.33707124 SandP52WeekChange: 0.2623955 lastDividendValue: 0.1 lastDividendDate: 1580774400 exchange: NMS quoteType: EQUITY symbol: AAL underlyingSymbol: AAL shortName: American Airlines Group, Inc. longName: American Airlines Group Inc. firstTradeDateEpochUtc: 1127827800 timeZoneFullName: America/New_York timeZoneShortName: EDT uuid: b73d98bf-8d5e-382f-9d49-b84d8f52f152 messageBoardId: finmb_168569 gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000 currentPrice: 10.05 targetHighPrice: 18.0 targetLowPrice: 7.0 targetMeanPrice: 11.65 targetMedianPrice: 12.0 recommendationMean: 2.7 recommendationKey: hold numberOfAnalystOpinions: 15 totalCash: 8986999808 totalCashPerShare: 13.685 ebitda: 5150000128 totalDebt: 39446999040 quickRatio: 0.449 currentRatio: 0.601 totalRevenue: 53447999488 revenuePerShare: 81.548 returnOnAssets: 0.02779 freeCashflow: 675000000 operatingCashflow: 2015000064 earningsGrowth: -0.463 revenueGrowth: 0.02 grossMargins: 0.23937 ebitdaMargins: 0.09636 operatingMargins: 0.09823 financialCurrency: USD trailingPegRatio: 0.2171