address1: 4370 Peachtree Road, N.E. city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30319 country: United States phone: 404 266 5500 website: industry: Insurance - Life industryKey: insurance-life industryDisp: Insurance - Life sector: Financial Services sectorKey: financial-services sectorDisp: Financial Services longBusinessSummary: Atlantic American Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides life and health, and property and casualty insurance products in the United States. It operates through American Southern and Bankers Fidelity segments. The company offers property and casualty insurance products, including commercial automobile insurance coverage for state governments, local municipalities, and other motor pools and fleets; general liability; and inland marine insurance products. It also provides surety bond coverage for subdivision construction; school bus contracts; and performance and payment bonds. In addition, the company offers individual and group whole life insurance products; Medicare supplement insurance products; and other accident and health insurance products comprising various individual and group policies for the payment of standard benefits for the treatment of diagnosed cancer and other critical illnesses, as well as various other products, such as short-term nursing facility care, accident only, hospital indemnity, and disability coverages. It markets its products through independent agents and brokers. The company was founded in 1937 and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlantic American Corporation is a subsidiary of Atlantic American / Delta Group. fullTimeEmployees: 154 companyOfficers: [{'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Hilton Hatchett Howell Jr.', 'age': 61, 'title': 'Chairman of the Board, President & CEO', 'yearBorn': 1962, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 1529391, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Jeffrey Ross Franklin CPA', 'age': 45, 'title': 'VP, CFO & Corporate Secretary', 'yearBorn': 1978, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 794296, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. John Dunbar', 'title': 'Chief Information Officer & VP', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Barbara B. Snyder', 'title': 'Vice President of Human Resources', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Ricky David Burns', 'title': 'Executive Vice President', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Casey Brant Hudson', 'title': 'Vice President & Controller', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}] auditRisk: 4 boardRisk: 4 compensationRisk: 7 shareHolderRightsRisk: 2 overallRisk: 3 governanceEpochDate: 1722470400 compensationAsOfEpochDate: 1703980800 irWebsite: maxAge: 86400 priceHint: 4 previousClose: 1.55 open: 1.5407 dayLow: 1.51 dayHigh: 1.5695 regularMarketPreviousClose: 1.55 regularMarketOpen: 1.5407 regularMarketDayLow: 1.51 regularMarketDayHigh: 1.5695 dividendRate: 0.02 dividendYield: 0.0125 exDividendDate: 1712793600 payoutRatio: 0.1429 fiveYearAvgDividendYield: 0.65 beta: 0.426 volume: 9453 regularMarketVolume: 9453 averageVolume: 4445 averageVolume10days: 3970 averageDailyVolume10Day: 3970 marketCap: 31619690 fiftyTwoWeekLow: 1.49 fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 3.0 priceToSalesTrailing12Months: 0.16861947 fiftyDayAverage: 1.6378 twoHundredDayAverage: 2.0632 currency: USD enterpriseValue: 51847612 profitMargins: -0.00386 floatShares: 4055676 sharesOutstanding: 20399800 sharesShort: 42183 sharesShortPriorMonth: 314 sharesShortPreviousMonthDate: 1719532800 dateShortInterest: 1722384000 sharesPercentSharesOut: 0.0021 heldPercentInsiders: 0.80286 heldPercentInstitutions: 0.05527 shortRatio: 8.62 shortPercentOfFloat: 0.0104 impliedSharesOutstanding: 20399800 bookValue: 5.037 priceToBook: 0.30772284 lastFiscalYearEnd: 1703980800 nextFiscalYearEnd: 1735603200 mostRecentQuarter: 1711843200 netIncomeToCommon: -1122000 trailingEps: -0.17 lastSplitFactor: 5:4 lastSplitDate: 531446400 enterpriseToRevenue: 0.276 enterpriseToEbitda: 19.217 52WeekChange: -0.18848169 SandP52WeekChange: 0.2623955 lastDividendValue: 0.02 lastDividendDate: 1712793600 exchange: NGM quoteType: EQUITY symbol: AAME underlyingSymbol: AAME shortName: Atlantic American Corporation longName: Atlantic American Corporation firstTradeDateEpochUtc: 322151400 timeZoneFullName: America/New_York timeZoneShortName: EDT uuid: 44e60dc7-a8f9-380d-bbd9-843e39d38ff4 messageBoardId: finmb_252124 gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000 currentPrice: 1.55 recommendationKey: none totalCash: 21189000 totalCashPerShare: 1.039 ebitda: 2698000 totalDebt: 40342000 quickRatio: 0.89 currentRatio: 1.41 totalRevenue: 187520992 debtToEquity: 39.242 revenuePerShare: 9.191 returnOnAssets: 0.00369 returnOnEquity: -0.00698 freeCashflow: 19360876 operatingCashflow: 8913000 revenueGrowth: 0.016 grossMargins: 0.0943 ebitdaMargins: 0.01439 operatingMargins: -0.03513 financialCurrency: USD trailingPegRatio: None