address1: 17383 Sunset Boulevard address2: Suite A250 city: Pacific Palisades state: CA zip: 90272 country: United States phone: 424 744 8055 website: https://aadibio.com industry: Biotechnology industryKey: biotechnology industryDisp: Biotechnology sector: Healthcare sectorKey: healthcare sectorDisp: Healthcare longBusinessSummary: Aadi Bioscience, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, engages in developing and commercializing precision therapies for genetically defined cancers with alterations in mTOR pathway genes. Its lead drug product candidate comprises FYARRO, a form of sirolimus protein-bound particles for injectable suspension for the treatment in adult patients with advanced unresectable or metastatic malignant PEComa. The company is also involved in evaluating FYARRO in cancers, including indications targeting specific genomic alterations that activate the mTOR pathway. Aadi Bioscience, Inc. was incorporated in 2007 and is headquartered in Pacific Palisades, California. fullTimeEmployees: 70 companyOfficers: [{'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Dr. Neil P. Desai Ph.D.', 'age': 58, 'title': 'Founder & Executive Chairman', 'yearBorn': 1965, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 710346, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. David J. Lennon Ph.D.', 'age': 52, 'title': 'President, CEO & Director', 'yearBorn': 1971, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 277753, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Scott M. Giacobello CPA', 'age': 53, 'title': 'CFO, Treasurer, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications', 'yearBorn': 1970, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 643230, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Dr. Loretta M. Itri F.A.C.P., M.D.', 'age': 73, 'title': 'Chief Medical Officer', 'yearBorn': 1950, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 617451, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Stephen M. Rodin J.D.', 'age': 47, 'title': 'Senior VP of Legal & General Counsel', 'yearBorn': 1976, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Raymond G. Steitz', 'age': 64, 'title': 'Senior VP of Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer', 'yearBorn': 1959, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Bryan Ball', 'age': 53, 'title': 'Chief Technical Operations Officer', 'yearBorn': 1970, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}] auditRisk: 3 boardRisk: 6 compensationRisk: 9 shareHolderRightsRisk: 8 overallRisk: 8 governanceEpochDate: 1722470400 compensationAsOfEpochDate: 1703980800 maxAge: 86400 priceHint: 4 previousClose: 1.45 open: 1.43 dayLow: 1.43 dayHigh: 1.48 regularMarketPreviousClose: 1.45 regularMarketOpen: 1.43 regularMarketDayLow: 1.43 regularMarketDayHigh: 1.48 beta: 0.31 forwardPE: -0.6475771 volume: 29012 regularMarketVolume: 29012 averageVolume: 199890 averageVolume10days: 108640 averageDailyVolume10Day: 108640 bid: 1.45 ask: 1.49 bidSize: 100 askSize: 400 marketCap: 36183756 fiftyTwoWeekLow: 1.21 fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 7.24 priceToSalesTrailing12Months: 1.5192407 fiftyDayAverage: 1.5312 twoHundredDayAverage: 2.299075 currency: USD enterpriseValue: -41820492 profitMargins: -2.7477398 floatShares: 16148562 sharesOutstanding: 24614800 sharesShort: 188343 sharesShortPriorMonth: 747037 sharesShortPreviousMonthDate: 1719532800 dateShortInterest: 1722384000 sharesPercentSharesOut: 0.0077 heldPercentInsiders: 0.10786 heldPercentInstitutions: 0.45993 shortRatio: 1.19 shortPercentOfFloat: 0.0113 impliedSharesOutstanding: 24614800 bookValue: 3.201 priceToBook: 0.4592315 lastFiscalYearEnd: 1703980800 nextFiscalYearEnd: 1735603200 mostRecentQuarter: 1719705600 netIncomeToCommon: -65443000 trailingEps: -2.43 forwardEps: -2.27 lastSplitFactor: 1:15 lastSplitDate: 1630022400 enterpriseToRevenue: -1.756 enterpriseToEbitda: 0.593 52WeekChange: -0.7578254 SandP52WeekChange: 0.2623955 exchange: NCM quoteType: EQUITY symbol: AADI underlyingSymbol: AADI shortName: Aadi Bioscience, Inc. longName: Aadi Bioscience, Inc. firstTradeDateEpochUtc: 1518791400 timeZoneFullName: America/New_York timeZoneShortName: EDT uuid: dc15d255-5620-3e50-9851-9151504cc320 messageBoardId: finmb_430225247 gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000 currentPrice: 1.47 targetHighPrice: 14.0 targetLowPrice: 5.0 targetMeanPrice: 10.0 targetMedianPrice: 11.0 recommendationMean: 1.8 recommendationKey: buy numberOfAnalystOpinions: 3 totalCash: 78568000 totalCashPerShare: 3.192 ebitda: -70472000 totalDebt: 1056000 quickRatio: 3.815 currentRatio: 4.199 totalRevenue: 23817000 debtToEquity: 1.34 revenuePerShare: 0.883 returnOnAssets: -0.34932 returnOnEquity: -0.62264 freeCashflow: -29938250 operatingCashflow: -50405000 revenueGrowth: -0.004 grossMargins: -1.2839999 ebitdaMargins: -2.95889 operatingMargins: -2.52209 financialCurrency: USD trailingPegRatio: None