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phone: 866-476-7523 longBusinessSummary: The fund, under normal circumstances, invests at least 80% of the fund’s net assets (plus borrowings for investment purposes) in financial instruments, including swap agreements and options, that, in combination, provide 1X daily inverse (opposite) or short exposure to AAPL, consistent with the fund’s investment objective. It is non-diversified. maxAge: 86400 priceHint: 2 previousClose: 17.09 open: 17.17 dayLow: 16.94 dayHigh: 17.175 regularMarketPreviousClose: 17.09 regularMarketOpen: 17.17 regularMarketDayLow: 16.94 regularMarketDayHigh: 17.175 volume: 288015 regularMarketVolume: 288015 averageVolume: 387556 averageVolume10days: 637620 averageDailyVolume10Day: 637620 bid: 16.99 ask: 17.02 bidSize: 500 askSize: 300 yield: 0.048699997 totalAssets: 24696788 fiftyTwoWeekLow: 16.21 fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 23.72 fiftyDayAverage: 17.7436 twoHundredDayAverage: 20.442755 navPrice: 17.012 currency: USD category: Trading–Inverse Equity ytdReturn: -0.1410166 fundFamily: Direxion Funds fundInceptionDate: 1659916800 legalType: Exchange Traded Fund exchange: NGM quoteType: ETF symbol: AAPD underlyingSymbol: AAPD shortName: Direxion Daily AAPL Bear 1X Sha longName: Direxion Daily AAPL Bear 1X Shares firstTradeDateEpochUtc: 1660138200 timeZoneFullName: America/New_York timeZoneShortName: EDT uuid: 17e2d909-ada5-3962-b3d0-edd06a6c8f74 messageBoardId: finmb_1791146308 gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000 trailingPegRatio: None

nasdaq/aapd/info.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 10:21 by