address1: One Apple Park Way city: Cupertino state: CA zip: 95014 country: United States phone: 408 996 1010 website: https://www.apple.com industry: Consumer Electronics industryKey: consumer-electronics industryDisp: Consumer Electronics sector: Technology sectorKey: technology sectorDisp: Technology longBusinessSummary: Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables, and accessories worldwide. The company offers iPhone, a line of smartphones; Mac, a line of personal computers; iPad, a line of multi-purpose tablets; and wearables, home, and accessories comprising AirPods, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Beats products, and HomePod. It also provides AppleCare support and cloud services; and operates various platforms, including the App Store that allow customers to discover and download applications and digital content, such as books, music, video, games, and podcasts. In addition, the company offers various services, such as Apple Arcade, a game subscription service; Apple Fitness+, a personalized fitness service; Apple Music, which offers users a curated listening experience with on-demand radio stations; Apple News+, a subscription news and magazine service; Apple TV+, which offers exclusive original content; Apple Card, a co-branded credit card; and Apple Pay, a cashless payment service, as well as licenses its intellectual property. The company serves consumers, and small and mid-sized businesses; and the education, enterprise, and government markets. It distributes third-party applications for its products through the App Store. The company also sells its products through its retail and online stores, and direct sales force; and third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and resellers. Apple Inc. was founded in 1976 and is headquartered in Cupertino, California. fullTimeEmployees: 161000 companyOfficers: [{'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Timothy D. Cook', 'age': 62, 'title': 'CEO & Director', 'yearBorn': 1961, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 16239562, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Luca Maestri', 'age': 60, 'title': 'CFO & Senior VP', 'yearBorn': 1963, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4612242, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Jeffrey E. Williams', 'age': 59, 'title': 'Chief Operating Officer', 'yearBorn': 1964, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4637585, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Ms. Katherine L. Adams', 'age': 59, 'title': 'Senior VP, General Counsel & Secretary', 'yearBorn': 1964, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4618064, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': “Ms. Deirdre O'Brien”, 'age': 56, 'title': 'Senior Vice President of Retail', 'yearBorn': 1967, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'totalPay': 4613369, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Chris Kondo', 'title': 'Senior Director of Corporate Accounting', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. James Wilson', 'title': 'Chief Technology Officer', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Suhasini Chandramouli', 'title': 'Director of Investor Relations', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Greg Joswiak', 'title': 'Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing', 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}, {'maxAge': 1, 'name': 'Mr. Adrian Perica', 'age': 49, 'title': 'Head of Corporate Development', 'yearBorn': 1974, 'fiscalYear': 2023, 'exercisedValue': 0, 'unexercisedValue': 0}] auditRisk: 6 boardRisk: 1 compensationRisk: 2 shareHolderRightsRisk: 1 overallRisk: 1 governanceEpochDate: 1722470400 compensationAsOfEpochDate: 1703980800 irWebsite: http://investor.apple.com/ maxAge: 86400 priceHint: 2 previousClose: 224.72 open: 223.92 dayLow: 223.6501 dayHigh: 226.8271 regularMarketPreviousClose: 224.72 regularMarketOpen: 223.92 regularMarketDayLow: 223.6501 regularMarketDayHigh: 226.8271 dividendRate: 1.0 dividendYield: 0.0045 exDividendDate: 1723420800 payoutRatio: 0.1476 fiveYearAvgDividendYield: 0.68 beta: 1.244 trailingPE: 34.354103 forwardPE: 33.14516 volume: 42366146 regularMarketVolume: 42366146 averageVolume: 65180064 averageVolume10days: 55693610 averageDailyVolume10Day: 55693610 bid: 225.98 ask: 226.1 bidSize: 200 askSize: 200 marketCap: 3436886884352 fiftyTwoWeekLow: 164.08 fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 237.23 priceToSalesTrailing12Months: 8.913019 fiftyDayAverage: 217.626 twoHundredDayAverage: 191.736 trailingAnnualDividendRate: 0.97 trailingAnnualDividendYield: 0.0043164827 currency: USD enterpriseValue: 3456176750592 profitMargins: 0.26441 floatShares: 15179658339 sharesOutstanding: 15204100096 sharesShort: 117696224 sharesShortPriorMonth: 132235437 sharesShortPreviousMonthDate: 1719532800 dateShortInterest: 1722384000 sharesPercentSharesOut: 0.0077 heldPercentInsiders: 0.02703 heldPercentInstitutions: 0.60719 shortRatio: 2.25 shortPercentOfFloat: 0.0077 impliedSharesOutstanding: 15410899968 bookValue: 4.382 priceToBook: 51.586037 lastFiscalYearEnd: 1696032000 nextFiscalYearEnd: 1727654400 mostRecentQuarter: 1719619200 earningsQuarterlyGrowth: 0.079 netIncomeToCommon: 101956001792 trailingEps: 6.58 forwardEps: 7.48 pegRatio: 3.63 lastSplitFactor: 4:1 lastSplitDate: 1598832000 enterpriseToRevenue: 8.963 enterpriseToEbitda: 26.227 52WeekChange: 0.28554368 SandP52WeekChange: 0.2623955 lastDividendValue: 0.25 lastDividendDate: 1723420800 exchange: NMS quoteType: EQUITY symbol: AAPL underlyingSymbol: AAPL shortName: Apple Inc. longName: Apple Inc. firstTradeDateEpochUtc: 345479400 timeZoneFullName: America/New_York timeZoneShortName: EDT uuid: 8b10e4ae-9eeb-3684-921a-9ab27e4d87aa messageBoardId: finmb_24937 gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000 currentPrice: 226.05 targetHighPrice: 273.4 targetLowPrice: 167.56 targetMeanPrice: 215.29 targetMedianPrice: 219.18 recommendationMean: 2.0 recommendationKey: buy numberOfAnalystOpinions: 38 totalCash: 61801000960 totalCashPerShare: 4.065 ebitda: 131781001216 totalDebt: 101304000512 quickRatio: 0.798 currentRatio: 0.953 totalRevenue: 385603010560 debtToEquity: 151.862 revenuePerShare: 24.957 returnOnAssets: 0.22612 returnOnEquity: 1.60583 freeCashflow: 86158123008 operatingCashflow: 113040998400 earningsGrowth: 0.111 revenueGrowth: 0.049 grossMargins: 0.45962003 ebitdaMargins: 0.34175 operatingMargins: 0.29556 financialCurrency: USD trailingPegRatio: 2.1984